vessel traffic in port
Port call optimisation

Enjoy ports without congestion and traffic flow without collisions: Introducing port call optimisation by Wärtsilä.

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Port call optimisation

Picture a world in which ships and ports can coordinate arrivals perfectly — long anchorage times would cease to exist, port services would be optimised, dockings would function without delays, congested ports would be a thing of the past, tonnes of fuel would not be burnt to waste, and CO2 emissions and noise pollution would be cut down to a minimum. That’s the world of Wärtsilä Port call optimisation. And it’s yours to enter.

Key benefits

  • Maximum fuel efficiency due to optimised arrival speed and minimised anchorage time.
  • Priority service in selected ports.
  • Reduced CO2 emissions and noise pollution. 
  • Reduced maintenance operations. 

Key features

  • Seamless ship-to-shore communication. 
  • Real-time updates on Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) and port services.
  • Perfect coordination even with heavy traffic.
  • Optimised port services and resources. 

Wärtsilä Navi-Port

Wärtsilä Navi-Port is the first commercially available digital platform that connects a ship’s navigation system to the port and enables Just-in-time arrivals. Navi-Port facilitates the exchange of accurate arrival times between ports and ships, enabling vessels to automatically adjust speed to achieve just-in-time arrival.

Learn more

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Wärtsilä Marine. Let's connect.